Monday, February 25, 2013

My Birthday

My birthday was February 23rd and I had my party on that day. For my party I had a laser tag party but before we went to laser tag we were at my house. At my house we did a giant group karaoke thing with all 14 of us singing. It sounded awful. We also decided to play just dance 4 and I kicked ass if I do say so myself. We also decided to play this game where we all have to draw one thing but we have to do it without looking and whoever has the most accurate drawing wins. I’m planning on turning the drawings into one big collage of some sort.

When we got to laser tag we went to our star wars themed room and had to wait for the first game. The first 2 games I did awful in as usual but the last one I got 4th out of all thirty people playing. I learned that I was amazing at shooting people from a distance but couldn’t hit them fast enough if they were close and now I know that my calling in life is to be a sniper, just kidding.

When we were done with laser tag we decided to chill in the game room for awhile and I lost 3 times at air hockey. Since I had a lot of token I decided to use the claw machine. I had never won anything in there before but I thought what the hell and i won an adorable bear. I named the bear Gandhi.
All in all I think my party was very successful, I mean I won my first stuff animal in the claw machine, did the best I ever had in laser tag, and got awesome presents from awesome people. I couldn’t have asked for a better birthday.

The bear I won (Gandhi)                                                                     My birthday outfit

I love being a freak

 I think weirdness is a gift. the other day me and my two friend decided that we were going to go to the mall in costumes. Adrian went as Jareth, heather went as her version of Sarah, and I went as a moogle. We thought when we were there we were going to get a lot of dirty looks but in the end we only got one or two. We actually got more high fives then anything. 

At one of the stores we were shopping at, some people stop outside of it and were staring at us from the window. People act like they've never seen a moogle before jeez. Well anyways a few people even recognized us, so in the end i'd have to say it was a pretty great day.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's day :)

I had the best Valentine’s Day ever. Who said you couldn’t be single and have an amazing valentine’s day because whoever did was wrong. My valentine was my cat, Kutty. Kutty and I spent the entire day together beside when I was in school and when I was in school I spent my time with some awesome friends. My friend Heather bought me a flower and made me some snacks, while my friend Meghan gave me an adorable heart sucker and a bracelet that says love is love. These people just made my valentine’s day. Did you have a good valentine’s day?

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Maybe Alone (not finished yet)

(This is what I have done so far on my story. I will put more up as I continue it. I hope you enjoy it.)
Maybe Alone
Chapter 1: Re-entering hell
  My name is Alyra. I had just started school and well the first day was boring all they did was the normal speeches of the rules of the class. It’s so irritating that we have to start ever year with the teachers explaining the rules I mean they are always the same with maybe one or two exceptions. I hate speeches as you can tell but I guess I shouldn't complain because I hate work to.
Before I continue I should probably tell you I have never been very social but that’s about to change. I don’t actually try to socialize anymore, it’s not because I’m shy though, it’s just I have given up on humankind. I feel humans are selfish manipulating creatures that only care about getting what they want without a shred of sympathy for the person they hurt. I guess since I’m a human I’m probably the same, so I wonder who have I hurt. Oh well, it doesn't matter now because I can’t hurt anyone anymore besides my cat.
On my second day of school I had to walk in the rain. Oh boy was that fun, a 40 minute walk in the rain. My straightened hair that I spent at least 2 hours on making pin straight was curly.  To be honest I don’t even know why I straighten my hair, I mean I no longer have a reason to. I have no one to impress and I don’t want anyone to notice me. I figure it had just become one of my many routines.
When I got to school I was soaking wet. Everyone was staring at me with looks on their face that obviously said I’m glad I’m not her. Shows how self-centered the kids in my school are and they don’t even try to hide it. They probably would though if I wasn’t me. Most people in the school have known me since 9th grade and I’m now a senior. So they all had time to learn to ignore me, forget my existence, and even dislike how hard to get along with I am. Not even the students that believe in helping everyone even bother to anymore. I have finally been given up on, but don’t get me wrong it took a lot of work.
I had finally got to class and as I sat down I noticed almost all the students that were in the class by now were staring at me. I looked down making sure I was wearing clothes and sure enough I was, so what were they staring at. Then it dawned on me they were staring at my hair. I had always straightened it since 5th grade and for the first time ever they had seen my natural hair, but they probably thought it wasn’t natural and I had just curled it. The queen bee, Bella Crawford, of our school walks over to me. ”so are you trying to show me up now?” she said in a snobby tone.
Before I have time to respond another kid in the class yelled “maybe she has a date”
“Uh! Yeah right no way she would have a date of all people. Besides, who goes on a date without make up? She probably is just trying to impress someone.” she said. Then she turned to me and smirked. “Hun, you’ll never get anyone.” she laughed
“I'm not trying to get anyone.” I belted. Then I made the mistake of saying, “I have no interest in any human.”
Everyone started to laugh. If I wasn't enough of a freak before I definitely was now. I mean who talks like that. No one I have ever heard has ever referred to people as humans besides teachers. After they stopped laughing she said “so you’re into animals? What a freak ha ha “and with that the bell rang and class began.
I couldn't wait for class to be over so I could go home and get out of this hell hole. When I got home I thought about how big of a nuisance everyone had made out of me. It’s been a long time since I had been humiliated like that. Luckily, my cat had rubbed against my legs saving me from my embarrassment. “Hey Cash. I have a question for you. Can you tell me why people can’t be more like you?”
He actually responded with a meow. It was funny he has always seemed to respond to my question since he was just a kitten. I swear he can understand me and I’m sure he is the only one that does. Since I was little he had almost always obeyed my commands and respected my feeling, even my opinions. He has been my companion through it all and honestly if he hadn't been around I may not even be here. I guess it’s sad that a cat has more affect in my life than any human, but it’s just the way I am. I don’t think it matters if you have an animal or human keeping you going, as long as you have someone like that.
I decided that after what happened today I was just going to throw a frozen dinner into the microwave because honestly I just wanted to go to bed and forget about today.  I figure it’s not healthy to want to go to bed at only 4 p.m. but I’m really not to concerned, I mean there is really not much to do in the apartment. After I finish eating I go straight to homework but I kept getting confused. It was all review from last year but I barely even passed last year and I actually don’t remember a single thing we did in class. So after 2 hours of homework, which by the way is ridiculous on the second day, I went to bed.
In the middle of the night I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. That is a normal thing though. I can never go through a whole night without waking up for awhile, sadly. So I decided to do what I usually do when I can’t sleep, which is draw a picture of the most memorable thing that happened today. Of course that was the embarrassing moment of Bella and the rest of the class laughing at me. I draw so furiously as I think of better comeback I could have said to the devil. I know its futile though, I mean it can’t be changed unless I was a genius. If I was a genius I could build a time machine to change what I said but if I had a time machine I would make sure that my vary existence was erased,  because I can’t though I must continue to live life as a lifeless zombie that has no interest in brains. When the picture was complete I fell back to sleep with the thought of how impressed I was on how the picture turned out, so realistic.
In the morning I decided to skip breakfast and head right to school to get it over wit or as I call it hell. When I got inside everyone in the hallway decided to laugh at me and I noticed they were whispering too. Whispering about what? Me of course. I don’t mind people making fun of me or laughing at me, I just hate the attention. It makes me want to gouge there ugly eyes out, but of course that’s illegal and I will go to jail. Now that I think about it is jail really that bad.
When I got in my class room someone had decided to draw a picture of me and some animal kissing on the board. It was quite an impressive drawing though, but different then my drawing because it was a cartoon. Of course the dog was completely adorable. I guess it should bother me , but it didn't it was only their disgusting eyes that bothered me. All through the day people were staring. At lunch someone threw a stuffed animal on my desk and winked. What a disgusting pig, I thought. It’s funny though how in the movies someone always comes to save the victim but in real life that doesn't happen, well at least for me any way. Not that I care.
Finally when school ended, I darted out of that kingdom of goblins and headed home. On my walk home I ran into the most beautiful cherry blossom tree I had ever seen. It swayed so elegantly in the wind that it looked like some majestic dancer. Under it was a boy, that looked my age. Damn why does a boy have to ruin such a lovely sight. Just like that my mod went from enchanted to sour. Why do humans have to ruin ever good thing.
As I opened the door to my apartment I saw cash running at me with almost a smile. He knows how to brighten my day. “Hey cash I’m home. Did you miss me?”I said. Meow he responded. “I missed you to. I wish I didn't have to leave you to go to school.”I murmured.
After that cash and I played with his toy mouse and a flashlight. Then I made myself a microwave dinner and went to bed. Again I woke up and decided to draw a picture of the most memorable thing. I drew a replica of the drawing on the chalkboard. When cash saw it I swear he laughed. Then we snuggled up in bed and fell asleep.
The next day at school a new student had joined.  It happened to be the boy I saw lying under the tree. I guess he came from some far away country I never heard of and we were all told to cut him some slack if he did anything odd because he doesn't know our customs yet. I think it’s stupid to give him special treatment just because he came from somewhere else. If he gets that treatment shouldn't we all. That’s one thing I don’t understand about humans. I’m actually glad he moved here though. Since he’s been here, everyone has forgotten about me and the incident. All they talk about is how attractive he is, which I don’t get he looks like everyone else to me. All the guys talk about how sporty and talented he is. Even the teachers go on about his academic achievements. I find it weird though that there is this much fuss over some guy that really didn't even do anything.
Now since there’s no talk about me I can go back to my peace full way of life, which I strongly believe more people should try.

 Chapter 2: his name and my mistake
A month had passed since that boy moved here and yet the talk of him hadn't stopped. In fact, it had gotten worse. Not that it bothered me. I find it funny even though everyone talks about him I still don’t know his name, nor do I care.
Days went on with my normal routine, besides the fact that every day I've see that boy laying under the tree. No one talked to me and everything was right with the world. Till one day that stupid boy came over to my desk. Everyone was staring in shock, anticipating what would happen next. I could even hear some girls talking about how jealous they were. Before he could say anything I mumbled “what do you want” in the most careless tone, which I think caught him off guard because he looked nervous.
“Well I just... Uh wanted to say hi because I noticed you were always alone and never talked to anyone. So I… uh figured it would be nice to have someone to talk to.” He awkwardly stammered.
“No thanks I’m quite content being alone.”I said in an even more harsh tone than I meant to.
“Uh… okay well ill just leave you alone then.” He said even more awkwardly.
Everyone in the class was talking about how harsh I was or how could she do such a thing. I didn't understand why they were in such ah, I mean it’s me we are talking about. Again, everyone’s eyes were on me. Why do I always have to get the attention that I don’t want?
As I was walking out of the school Bella had pulled me by the arm with a lot of force almost knocking me down. “what do you think you were doing being so rude.” she growled.
“What are you talking about?” I replied, having no clue of what she was talking about. I didn't eve talk to her today.
“Um, you know what I’m talking about. Don’t play stupid!”
“Actually I really have no clue, what so ever.”
“Seriously! Well it’s no surprise you aren't playing stupid. I mean you shouldn't have been so rude to Koroboshi!”
“Who?” I responded quizzically.
“Are you serious?! You don’t even know his name. How do you not know the new kids name. everyone talks about him all the time. I mean I know you’re a freak an all and no one talks to you but you must of heard someone say his name at some point.”
“Well even if I did I had no idea it was him and for your information you can’t tell me what to do or say. I’ll treat him how I want.” I said in an aggravated tone. Again, what I had said had turned out way meaner than I expected. I’m actually starting to sound like Bella. Agh, all these people talking to me is turning me into a bad person or maybe I always have been. Who am I kidding there is no such thing as a good person.
”oh, would you rather me talk to him and become better friends with him then you or maybe even more then that” I yelled. My tone at this point had turned very nasty and loud. I felt like such a different person.
“Alyra you will regret talking to me like that! Trust me.” She said in such intimidating manner, that I was actually slightly scared. And with that she walked away.
When I walked in the door to my apartment my body was immediately overcome with extreme exhaustion from the incidents of today. Never in such a long time have I been so stressed, except for that one haunting time that was so stressful it has turned me into the freak I am now. Someone who doesn't even socialize with people cannot handle that much exhaustion in a day. After I took one more step my legs felt so heavy, actually so did my whole body and my sight started going black. Next thing I knew I was heading for the floor. As I was falling all I could think about is what if I die here because I have no parents that will come home to call the hospital. Will I die here all alone?

Chapter 3: the kind little lady
  When I opened my eyes, I was looking at an unfamiliar ceiling. It was a dirty white ceiling. I slowly sat up and looked around the room. It was the hospital but how’d I get here. All of a sudden I noticed the terrible pain in my head and felt a wrap around my head. I must have hit my head hard. All of a sudden I heard a voice say “you should lay back down and rest dear.” It was my aunt Maddy.
“How bad did I hit my head?” I said sheepishly.
“Enough to get a few stitches.”
“When do I get to leave?”
“Well, the doctors said they want to keep you here a few days just to make sure it doesn’t get serious. So why did you pass out?”
“For reasons…” I said, without being able to look at her. Ugh, why’d she have to bring that up, I had finally got it off my mind and now its back.
“Ah, I see. Well you should be more careful.” She said sternly.
  I have always liked my aunt. She’s easy to get along with and everyone likes her because she is so kind. One of the reasons is no matter how curious she is she never pries me to tell her stuff. She says if someone doesn’t want to say something you shouldn’t make’em, they’ll tell ya when they want to or if they want to. Also she’s the reason I’m able to live alone. After my parents died, she was given custody of my since she was my only relative left alive and she lived close. She knew me well since she visited so much and knew that   I would just like to be alone. So she signed for an apartment for me and send me money to pay the bills and for necessities. On my birthday she brings over a little extra. She’s a small woman but not thin nor fat. She has brown curly hair that is always thrown up in a bun. She has rosy cheeks and doesn’t wear any make up. She dresses like Bell from Beauty and the Beast, which also happens to be her favorite princess. She also owns a dinner.
  So she’s the one who found me it must have been her day to check up on me. Every month she chooses a day to check up on me and see how everything’s going. It’s usually just her asking if I’m living well enough and some small talk.
  My aunt was just sitting in the chair next to me. I felt like I should say something to her, I mean she did just basically save my life and all, but I have no idea what to say. I have no social skills what so ever, so I just settled with saying nothing. I laid back and stared at the ceiling. After a half an hour of silence my aunt had said good bye to me and left. I was left all alone with my thoughts for probably hours and after what had happened at school that wasn’t a good thing.
I had started to wonder why I feared being alone when I passed out. It had never bothered me before. I prefer to be alone. I wonder is that my hidden thoughts. Snap out of it that can’t be, obviously it was from all the dizziness. I don’t need anyone but me and my cat. Wait! My cats all alone and has no idea where I am. I’ve never been gone so long he must thought I have abandoned him. I have to get better soon.
For the 3 days I was at the hospital no one visited but the doctors. It was nice to get so much time without people, but yet I was still feeling some emptiness. This wasn’t a feeling I’ve felt before, at least I don’t think so. I must just miss my cat.
  Finally I had gotten home and saw my Kutty. He was so happy to see me. He gave me no space, what so ever, but I liked it. I spent that day drawing pictures of moments I remember from the hospital. Then I went to bed, dreading going to school the next day.

Chapter 4: murderer?
When I woke up, my stomach was killing me. I wasn’t ready to go to school. Even though it wasn’t likely, I was praying for a tornado or anything to just destroy the school, but sadly it did not. I want to know why someone like me even has to go to school. I mean I probably won’t do anything with my life since I don’t like to socialize. I’ll probably just be an illustrator so I don’t really have to get involved with people and If I don’t make enough money doing that ill maybe write books too or even do stupid caricatures.
When I got to school everyone was dead silent and staring at me. Every time I walked near someone they’d move out of my way. I could hear my class room from about 100 feet away and the second I walked in it was dead silent. I had no idea what was going on but I know Bella was involved. Finally someone had the courage to walk up to me and ask the question everyone was thinking, but little did I know that the question they all wanted answered was going to hurt so much.
“Um… is it like true that you killed like your… um parents?”She said nervously. What did she just ask? Is this seriously happening? Why would she ask something like that? All kinds of thoughts rushed in my head until it hit me. It must be Bella! She’s getting me back for what I said and she was right I did regret it. How dare she say such a thing and how dare these people believe her.
I stood there white as a ghost while a tornado of feelings roared around inside of me. I felt like a deer caught in headlights I must of took too long to answer because she stepped back and asked again with even less confidence in her voice. Then the bell rang just barely snapping me out of it. I turned around and walked towards Bella, as the teacher told me to sit down.  I ignored the teacher because I had no longer had control of my body. As soon as I got to Bella desk I yelled “you bitch! I’m going to kill you!” and then punched her right in the face, so hard that she fell to the ground. Everyone was freaking out, but I didn’t stay to listen because my legs were still moving on their own. I just walked straight out of school.
I walked for the longest time. I wasn’t even sure where I was going. When I had finally got some self-control again, I stopped. I sat down on a bench and started thinking. Where am I going? How was not responding to the girls question and punching Bella in the face while saying I’m going to kill you helping my case? Now everyone going to think I’m a psychopath and maybe they will make me go to a therapist or even worse send me to the freak house. “Damn I just screwed up my life! Why do I always do that?”
Finally after enough time spent beating myself up I went home. As I walked in the door Kutty knew that something was wrong so he gave me the space I needed until I felt up to telling him what had happened. i felt was dreading going to school the next day that I actually puked.
I drew a picture of me punching Bella in the face and even though it reminded me of the mistake I had made it also made me feel much better. So after all that had happened I was kind of dizzy and tired so I went to bed straight after drawing without eating anything all day. All I could think about before I went to bed was what’s going to happen tomorrow.

Chapter 5: Prince 
I didn’t go to school for a week. I didn’t even go outside. I spent my time with my cat watching movies. I thought about dying my hair, cutting, and getting highlight. I would tell everybody I was someone else, but I doubt that would work. At this point I don’t even know what to do. I can’t go to school or even step foot out of my house. Hmm I could ask my aunt if she could get me into online schools, but that would take time and extra money she probably doesn’t have. I could get a job, but what good would I do and then I’d have to go out in public. Well I guess I’m going to have to go out in public sometime. I guess there’s no escape I’m going to school tomorrow.
I really just wanted to get school over with so on my way there I walked really fast, but somehow it felt like the longest walk of my life. When I walked into school everyone was so scared of me they wouldn’t even look in my direction, which is good except for the fact that I knew everyone was still thinking about me and it just made me sick to think that they thought I killed my parents. I had finally made it to my seat which felt like eternity. As I was about to sit down the teacher called me to her desk? Just great I thought now im going to be yelled at by my teacher and probably the principle. When I got to the desk the teacher whispered “what happened last week?”
I said “i punched Bella” in a slow, smartass remark.
“I know that” she said in an agitated tone. “ I meant why did u do that”
“Oh, u should have said that.”
She stared at me expecting me to answer for at least a whole minute. “So?” she said finally.
“So, what?”
“Don’t be a smartass! Why did you punch her?”
“Um cuz it made me look cool. I mean I just felt like causing a scene. Who doesn’t like the girl who has the guts to punch the girl who runs the school?” I said in a tough girl voice, while pretending to look tough.
“Ha ha, real funny but I know you and that’s the opposite of what you want. So what’s the real reason?”
“I was mad at her” I said in an aggressive manner, because she wouldn’t let this go. Obviously I don’t want to tell her, but she could care less.
“I know that but I mean why are you mad at her? What did she do?”
“It’s none of your damn business.” I began to yell.” Why don’t you just leave me alone! I’m not gonna tell you and your not gonna make me, so just give me my punishment now.”
“I’m not going to punish you this time. You do have a warning though and if you do it again then we will punish you.” She said in a calm stern voice.
“Not going to punish me, but why not? I mean I did punch someone in the face and that’s not something people take lightly.””
“Because I know you and I know you wouldn’t ever want that much attention, unless it was something serious.” She said with a kind smile.
Thanks was all I could conjure up. I mean it was nice she had so much faith in me though it kind of bothered me that her faith in my intentions was because of the fact that I don’t like attention instead of being a good person, but it was probably true, so I didn’t let it get to me.
I walked back to my seat and sat down, when I noticed Bella with a black eye. I couldn’t help but laugh a little, but in my head I was cracking up. I started thinking I had nothing to worry about today has actually gone pretty well and things are already mostly back to normal. No one’s bothering me, even though it’s because they think I’m a killer but it could be worse.
During lunch I sat in the classroom n ate as usual. The room cleared out fast. People are so stupid. I may not be social but that doesn’t mean I’m a killer. Actually almost every killer I seen on show is social and usually great at talking to people, which is defiantly not me. “Ugh, what is it with me I can’t seem to let this go.”
“Good. You shouldn’t be able to after what you did to your parents.”I heard a voice behind me say.
I turned around and what did you know it was Bella.” Um I did nothing to my parents” I said in a snobby voice.
“Oh, really? Innocent people don’t react the way you did, isn’t that right guys?” She said, while her little groupies just stood there agreeing with her. They make me sick. They look like little dogs that just follow everything she says.
At that second she got me I didn’t know what to say. I wanted to say I was caught off guard or that it was an emotional subject, but those both didn’t feel right. I’m actually sure the whole argument or what would really be a sap story about how its emotional subject would work. The story would make them all turn against or even make Bella my ally, but I wasn’t going to say something that didn’t feel right just to please people I didn’t even like. I think that’s something that always set me apart from people. So instead of saying anything I just sat there like a dumbass and stared at the ground.
“Oh my god! She can’t even look at us. She really did kill them.” one of Bella’s mutts howled.
“That’s not true! She didn’t kill her parents.” Some voice said, but I was too embarrassed and deep in thought to look up.
“How do you know?” Bella said with less attitude then before.
“I just do.”
The voice sound so confident, kind of like the princes in movies. So I looked up and saw Koroboshi. He looked as confident as a lion and made eye contact.
“Well you don’t if you don’t have proof and without proof no one’s gonna believe you. Don’t get me wrong I’d love to believe you, it’s just her I don’t believe.” She said almost sounding kind.
“Well you shouldn’t be so hard on her even you don’t have evidence of it either.” He said sternly, while still managing to sound kind.
“I’ll try to be nicer just try to keep her away from me.” She said, while starting to sound nasty again.
While all the commotion was going on I snuck out of the room and went home. I decided to miss the rest of school for today because I was so sick of drama and that night I drew a picture of Koroboshi talking to Bella. Then I realized that he actually kind of looks like a lion with black hair and frosty blue eyes.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Ohayocon 2013

  This year I went to ohayocon with 5 of my friends. We had a pewdiepie theme going on. I was disco Stepano, Adrian was Pewdiepie, Kaila was cry, Rachael was Bingt (I don’t know how to spell it), Heather was Jennifer, and my other friend Wes didn’t want to be anything.
Bingt and disco Stephano


    We went for 1 day and chose Saturday. We waited in the line for litterally3 hours, so if you decide to go to a convention make sure to preregister.  We didn’t go to many panels but we did have fun. For certain panels you have to get their real early and wait so you get a seat.

  The cosplay at Ohayocon was great. You could tell that most of the people there put a lot of time and money into their cosplayThere were ton of cosplays of Homestuck, but there were also many others.

  We went for 1 day and chose Saturday. We waited in the line for litterally3 hours, so if you decide to go to a convention make sure to preregister.  We didn’t go to many panels but we did have fun. For certain panels you have to get their real early and wait so you get a seat.
The cosplay at Ohayocon was great. You could tell that most of the people there put a lot of time and money into their cosplay. There were ton of cosplays of Homestuck, but there were also many others.
  There’s also plenty of places to eat. I brought my own food so that I had as much money as possible for the dealer’s room because they have great stuff there. My friends and is decided to split up and meet up at a certain time since there was so much stuff and it was so crowded. I didn’t buy much because I didn’t have much money and things are expensive.
  At one point I got lost at the convention. I was closing my bag and when I looked up everyone was gone I had no idea which way they went and I was to blind to really make out people in the distance because I didn’t have my glasses on. I decided to just wait in one spot and they found me and things were good.
The one big thing we really did was go to the rave. The rave was fun but it was really crowded and didn’t compare to the one at colossalcon.
  If you have any questions about it I’ll try to answer them.

hello world

hello. Im Orrihime. I love to act,write and draw.